Reading Together® at Gore Public Library

The Ensign has published an article titled 'Programme helps with reading skills' (22 May 2013, p.5), available here. Extracts from the article follow:

PARENTS and pupils taking part in Reading Together at West Gore School are turning a new leaf. ...
Reading Together consisted of four workshops of one and a quarter hours each - the fourth workshop was spent at the Gore Public Library, where parents and pupils learnt how and where to find suitable books.
Gore Public Library children's librarian Jenny Smith said the library played a support role.
"We are an extra resource that the parents and children can call upon in the search for suitable reading resources for the children," Ms Smith said.
"I am really enjoying being involved. I think it is a wonderful initiative and from my point of view I am seeing the positive benefits in the children and the parents coming back for more reading material," she said.
Ms Smith encouraged parents and pupils to approach her and library staff to use their knowledge as an additional resource.
Tags: Southland  

Posted: Tuesday 28 May 2013